Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bo Torah Portion 15

Torah Portion 15, Bo, Go. Covering Exodus 10:1-13:16

Haftorah portion 15, Jeremiah 46:13-28

Brit Chadashah portion: Mark 3:7-19, Luke 2:22-24, John 19:31-37, Acts 13:16-17, Rev 8:6-9:12, 16:1-21

 Join El Shaddai Ministries for the Shabbat Service livestream as Mark Blitz covers the Torah portion for the week and uncovers many treasures hidden in the beautiful Words of our Lord.

Va'era Torah Portion 14

Torah portion 14, Va'era, "I appeared". Va'era covers Exodus 6:2-9:35 - YHWH appears in the burning bush and the plague are sent to Egypt.

Haftorah portion 14 Va'era Ezekiel 28:25-29:21

Brit Chadashah portion 14 Va'era Matthew 12:1-14

 For more in depth look at the Torah portion for this week, please consider joining the livestreaming service at El Shaddai Ministries with Mark Blitz.

Shemot Torah Portion 13

Shemot, Names, or as it is sometimes known Exodus.

Here is Torah Portion 13 read without commentary
This portion covers Exodus 1:1 - 6:1

The Haftorah portion of Shemot

Isaiah 27:6-28, 19:22-23

The Brit Chadashah portion of Shemot

Luke 5:12-39

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Torah Portion 12 Vayechi

Here are the Torah Portion, Haftorah portion and the Brit Chadashah for Torah Portion 14, Vayechi, which means "he draws near"

Haftorah Portion 12

 Brit Chadashah

Monday, December 2, 2013

Torah Portion Vayigash

The 11th Torah Portion of the year Vayigash (and He drew near)

These are the simple readings of the Torah portion without commentary.

Genesis 44:18-47:17 As Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and is re united with his father.

The Haftarah Hosea 11:7-12:12 Obediah 1:1-21

 Hebrews 11:11-20 Matthew 26:36-46

For an in depth look at this Torah portion and worship service too, please visit as Mark Blitz shares his insight about these passages.